I'm still working for mi madre in the "office" and that takes up most of my day when I'm at home. Right now I'm working at Pike Place Market twice a week and that's been really fun---tiring but worth it. Dance is going as well as it can be for this time of year. Stress levels are high in the studio and people are usually tired and cranky but with less than a month left before the show, it's going well. As much as I've tried to stay somewhat busy, I still have a lot of time to think. I've had a lot going through my head the past couple weeks. One especially has been missions. Half of my FHE brothers are in the MTC already and two from last semester are out serving. Some of my other guy friends leave soon as well. Every Wednesday I wonder who from my BYU ward is going into the MTC and I get excited for them. As well as feel a little left behind. Then I think about how in the fall, most of the guys in my ward will be return missionaries. They were once another freshman girl's FHE brothers or friends. It's an interesting cycle and it will be interesting to see what happens when the boys my age return home from their missions.
I guess overall I've been thinking about progression. There have been so many engagements, weddings, babies (planned or unplanned..) the past while and I know many will soon be coming. Just to clarify, this isn't about how I'm anxious to get married. I've thought about it a lot (it's kind of hard not to going to BYU) but I'm not seeking it out. However, if the right guy comes knocking...
But anyways. Today in church we had a lesson on how we can prepare for marriage and although it was the usual lesson, I kind of got something different out of it today. For me, it was a lesson on preparation and personal development. There is still a lot I need to prepare for and before I start working full time, I have some time to do that. I haven't decided on what I want to do yet but I need to do something. Whether that is read some church books, learn how to knit (seriously considering this one...), or basically just improve myself, which I know won't happen overnight or in a month...but it's a goal.
Another thing that I've been thinking about is my personal style. I follow The Daybook and I've kind of become obsessed. I've spent hours on her blog reading, studying her outfits, analyzing, etc.
Slightly unhealthy.
But anyways. Another one of my goals this summer is to redo my wardrobe. Not completely but to add some basic pieces and branch out. I'm kind of tired of mainstream and being matchy-matchy. Which is huge for me since I've been matching my converse to the color of the shirt I wear that day for years. This has slowly been coming one since I got roommates and saw what they wore. I saw some things that I would've never picked or worn myself but I liked it. So I'm going to work my little tushie off this summer, earn money, and thrift shop like it's nobody's business.
I think that's about it. I'm excited to earn money and to become a thrifty little shopper :} I happen to mention this to Jillian today and we've actually been thinking the same thing. And I went to goodwill with Jessica the other day and it was quite successful. So I've got some thrifty little shopping buddies yay!
Oh and
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I wore patriotic colors UNintentionally to church today... |
Day weekend